Immigration Attorneys


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Posts tagged asylum
The Day: Hartford judges decide, deny near-record number of asylum cases

Only one in five asylum cases is decided in less than a year, TRAC said in a report about its data. Most asylum seekers receive court dates that are years out, meaning many cases happening today were scheduled in 2015 or 2016. Foden, however, was surprised to learn of the increase in denials. She said she hasn’t experienced the phenomenon among her own clients. The 35-year-old firm for which Foden works has one of the largest immigration caseloads in the state. Six of her clients were granted asylum this week, she said. “I think we’ve had more approvals than last year,” she said. However, Foden said she has had to work harder on each case since former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in a June decision, said proof of domestic or gang violence alone wouldn’t qualify a person for asylum.

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